HHYF Seeking Sponsorships

Summer is right around the corner which means Harness Horse Youth Foundation is getting ready for another full season of fun with our Trottingbreds – events in Indiana, Ohio, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey are on the schedule with a few more to add!

However, our educational programs require financial support from the industry so HHYF is actively seeking sponsorships of all kinds in the coming weeks. Funds are needed to purchase a new truck, jog carts and other stable equipment as well as to assist with expenses related to very popular hands-on summer activities. Details are outlined in a new easy-to-read leaflet – please contact the HHYF office if you are interested in discussing how you can help as the organization continues its efforts to share the excitement of Standardbreds, harness racing, driving and horses with young people throughout the Midwest and eastern United States. If you are considering sponsorship of our efforts, click here to see the 2019 opportunities: https://www.hhyf.org/uploads/1/1/9/8/119800020/hhyf_2019_sponsorship_partnership_opportunities.pdf.

The Harness Horse Youth Foundation has a new mailing address: 2711 Friar Tuck Road, Anderson IN 46013; phone number and email contact information remain the same – phone 317.908.0029 and email ellen@hhyf.org.

The Harness Horse Youth Foundation is a charitable 501(c)3 organization dedicated to providing young people and their families educational opportunities with harness horses in order to foster the next generation of participants and fans. The Foundation has been making a difference in young people’s lives since 1976; its programs include interactive learning experiences with racehorses as well as offering scholarships and creating and distributing educational materials relating to harness racing.

For more information on opportunities through HHYF, or to support its mission, go to www.hhyf.org.